How to Use Credentials

Credentials are cards, keyfobs, pins, mobile id's, QR codes, barcodes etc - just about anything you can think of.

Traditionally it's all about slugs

Traditionally all DoorFlow accounts are setup with 3 credentials; card, keyfob and pin.

As these are considered simple credentials (i.e. just a value) the values for these can be set by updating the person object using the appropriate attributes for their credential types (known as the credential_type slug). In the past these attributes have been hardcoded as credentials_number,keyfob_number and pin, but it should be noted that these are configurable - and so might change from account to account.

For more information please see credential_types

You can do more with credentials

In addition to those credentials that can be defined as simple values, a more explicit list of person credentials can be obtained from the /credentials endpoint

This gives much more information than just a simple value.

As well as not being limited to just 3 credentials types, you can also obtain field labels and any related status indication (i.e. when issuing mobile id's).

Using mobile credentials

This applies to both HID Mobile Access as well as Apple and Google Passes (used in the Apple/Google Wallet).

Issuing mobile id’s is a more controlled process than issuing a card.

For example a card just needs a number to be recorded, whereas a mobile id need to be sent to the user via an invitation, redeemed and activated. Much of this process is automated but it’s useful for mobile id issuers to understand the state of a mobile id (invited, redeemed, activated, revoking, revoked etc) without having to poll the api every few seconds (for potentially thousands of people records).

We show this state information in DoorFlow so that the admin can monitor the issuing process.


You can do this too, by handling webhook call backs - essentially DoorFlow will POST to this endpoint when the status of a credential changes.

For more informaiton take a look at creating, updating and deleting credentials