Dive into the DoorFlow API

Explore how things connect in the DoorFlow API and pick up some top tips for putting it all together. Our APIs are pretty powerful when you know your way around.

The DoorFlow API adheres to REST principles, featuring predictable, resource-oriented URLs. It processes form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and conforms to standard HTTP response codes, authentication methods, and verbs. Developers authenticate to the DoorFlow API using OAuth client applications, which must be approved and enabled by DoorFlow for enhanced security.

The DoorFlow API supports a ‘Testing’ mode where applications can interact exclusively with a sandboxed DoorFlow account. This environment allows for safe testing without affecting live data or actual access control operations. Once an application is approved by DoorFlow, it gains the ability to access other DoorFlow accounts.

The DoorFlow API does not support bulk updates; operations are limited to single object transactions.