The DoorFlow API is a RESTful API, available at:
Base URL:
All requests should be made over the HTTP protocol, using one of the four
standard methods:
No other methods are supported at this time.
All responses will be returned as JSON objects.
You can use Postman to run the API by forking into your own workspace. From there you can use your own authorization and call the production API from within Postman.
Every entity in the system has its own URL, allowing you to access it in a standard and
intuitive manner.
For example, a GET
request on an entity like /person/85872.json
will return the data
for that person, whereas a DELETE
request to the same URL would delete the person's data.
Where possible, the API honours gramatical syntax of the singular and plural; e.g. to call a single person record use:
GET /api/3/person/85872.json
and to call the plural (or a list of people) call
GET /api/3/people.json
API Versions
Version 3 of the API is the currently supported version. Calls to a previous version of the API may error although we do advertise our sunsetting of older API versions with many months of notice.
Use of Personal tokens/api keys is possible, but needs to be enabled on a per user basis. More info on authorization is available here
Response Formats
Every request to the API will result in a response formatted as JSON.
We do not currently support any other response format.